Stay Home Garlic Mustard Pull

Stay Home Garlic Mustard Pull

April 24th-May 31st



CM-CISMA has partnered with The Little Forks Conservancy to bring you the Stay Home Garlic Mustard Pull. We are encouraging people to remove the invasive species from their properties this spring. The challenge continues through May 31st. However, you should always be on the lookout for invasive species in your area! We are trying to spread the word and get as many people as possible involved. You can help by passing this information on to anyone who may be interested.
By spreading the word you can help stop the spread of garlic mustard!


Garlic mustard is an invasive species in our area. It is a biennial flowering plant, meaning it has a two year life cycle. During its first year, the plant can be found growing low to the ground with its rosette leaves. The following year, the plant will flower and reproduce. White flowers will form and the garlic mustard will grow two or three feet tall. The invasive species produces large amounts of seeds that can be transported by wind, water, animals, and people. These invasive species can rapidly spread and will out compete native plants in the area.

Garlic Mustard Identification Chart


When removing garlic mustard, you should grab the plant near the base and pull it out of the ground. The plant has a long tap root, so you will want to remove as much of it as you can. The garlic mustard that was pulled should be placed in a garbage bag and left in the sun, this will help kill the plant. The bags should then be labeled as an invasive species and disposed in a landfill. Little Forks has printable disposal tags that can be downloaded from their website.
How to Pull Garlic Mustard
Click the link below to visit Little Forks Conservancy’s website where you can download disposal tags and learn more. You can also submit how much you pulled. They will be highlighting champions throughout the challenge on social media.
Click Here to Visit Little Forks’ Website


When finding or removing invasive species you should report it on the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN). Reporting of invasive species is very useful for detection and management. Keep this in mind when participating in the garlic mustard pull. Click the link below to watch a video on how to use the MISIN app from start to finish.

How to use the MISIN app: from start to finish
Visit our website to learn more about invasive species and how they impact our ecosystem.
Click Here to Visit the CM-CISMA Website